Lisa Trogen Devgun (SE)
Standard flow
22-24/7 2016

Curated by H. Bergdal Gallery

In her practice Lisa Trogen Devgun uses the products and services of the global logistics industry. Vessels and containers that are standardised – for industry wide application – yet highly specialized – adapted to their specific function; to their intended content and application.

Trogen Devguns work reifies these products as aesthetic objects; as concrete shapes in the gallery space. The pallets, crates, boxes & c. that she uses are hardly commonplace to most of us, their shapes and colours are only vaguely familiar despite their key role in our everyday consumption; in so many cases the food that we ingest has first been inside one of these crates.

Removed from the spaces that they normally inhabit, behind supermarkets and in their storages, in the cargo holds of ocean freighters, rattling about the backs of lorries, or in half lit air-conditioned storage hangars (some almost large enough to have indoor weather systems).

In the gallery however the readymades that Lisa Trogen Devgun produces are not as is usually the case removed from their quotidian context. They are not, as it were, disconnected from their plumbing. Instead these pieces remain within the cybernetic system that is global logistics – between delivery and pick-up – emptied, restive, pausing.


Lisa Trogen Devgun (1984) has exhibited in Sweden and internationally, recent exhibitions include "Refine All Pores" at Kunstverein Wagenhalle (2016), “Swedish Art Now! at Sven-Harrys Konstmuseum (2016), “Friends in need” at Carl Kostyál (2016) and “Logistic Figures” at Belenius Nordenhake (2015). She was educated at Konstfack (2011-15).

Photo: Johan Österholm